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The Podcast
"gender issues"

"The power of words, without the intrusion of images, creates a more concentrated and reflective listening environment"

Cuffie nero

A podcast as a training tool

When we started this adventure, we started from the belief that the word, alone, possesses extraordinary power. We hypothesized that the power of the words, without the intrusion of images, would create a more focused and thoughtful listening environment.

Without visual support, the listener's attention necessarily focuses on the voice and the message, leading to total immersion in the contents and stimulating personal reflections. The voice amplifies the power of words, allowing you to touch emotional chords in a unique way. It is fundamental not only what you say, but also how you say it, with intonation, warmth, transport and conviction.

The inflection of the voice and the emotion conveyed can guide the listener on meaningful journeys through the content. In the field of language, we find it fascinating to understand the elements of effective communication, the real one, where transmitter and receiver enter into a sincere dialogue, made up of listening, words that evoke emotions, rationalization of themes and reflection.

A transformative journey, at the end of which, both subjects have changed, possibly for the better.

Podcast training course
“gender issues”

The podcast training course "Gender Issues" provides basic knowledge on the topic of gender equality and specific information on the UNI/PdR 125:2022 guideline for gender equality.
The training is structured in 10 episodes which address different topics through the podcast tool (10 audio lessons lasting approximately 8 minutes) accompanied by synthetic slides and three short quizzes which aim to stimulate the awareness of the people being trained.

At the end of the course, a learning test allows you to certify the training in compliance with UNI/PdR 125:2022.

Our Podcasters

Mara Rinner , CEO Itineris, consultant and trainer, expert in diversity management and in particular gender issues.

Cecilia Bighelli , sociologist by training, consultant and trainer on the issues of gender equality and the coexistence of differences.

The bets:

1. Build a common language on gender issues

2. Why gender inequalities exist

3. Know stereotypes, biases and prejudices for greater awareness

4. Inside the gender pay gap

5. The power of words

6. Harassment and mobbing in the workplace

7. Parenting and caregiving between responsibility and opportunity

8. Work-life balance

9. The different leadership styles

10. PdR 125:2022 for gender equality in companies

Listen to the first episode
Questioni di Genere episodio 1 DMara e Cecilia
00:00 / 08:36

How to have our "gender issue" podcast

The podcast represents one of the key tools we use in our consultancy services to obtain gender equality certification. This educational and informational tool is designed to guide organizations through the various steps necessary to achieve and maintain gender equality in the workplace.

As well as being an integral part of our consultancy package, the podcast can also be purchased separately, thus offering a flexible solution for companies wishing to improve their understanding and application of gender equality policies independently.

The podcast is available both through our online platform, where users can easily access the content at any time and from any device, and as downloadable content, accompanied by a questionnaire, to be uploaded directly to the customer's platform. This allows companies to integrate training material into their training management system, ensuring easy and personalized access for all employees.

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