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Co-sourcing corporate compliance

Focus on your business and leave compliance management to us. This way, you will be able to dedicate more time and energy to your core business.

Modern Office

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How the service works

Itineris' compliance management service is based on close collaboration with the Customer, it is therefore not a total outsourcing but instead a co-sourcing service. Compared to autonomous compliance management, where everything is managed internally, some procedures are managed externally by Itineris in the form of a service.
This approach involves outsourcing everything that is necessary to make the compliance certification system work (non-compliance management, documentation management, etc.) and some processes closely related to it (supplier evaluation, customer satisfaction, etc.)

In ufficio

Different levels of service
for every need


dedicated to those who want a low-cost system that still guarantees compliance


dedicated to those who want an integrated entry level compliance management system


dedicated to those who want an integrated compliance management system
with extensive procedures


dedicated to those who want an integrated compliance management system
for proactive process improvement

Lots of rules
all integrated
among them

  • ISO 9001 (quality)

  • ISO 27001 (cyber security)

  • Privacy and GDPR

  • Legislative Decree 81/08 - Consolidated Law on safety

  • ISO 14001 and EMAS

  • Legislative decree n. 231/2007 

  • PDR 125/2022 - Gender certification 

  • SA8000 (Social responsibility)

  • ISO 30415 (Management of diversity & inclusion)

  • Family audit

Bambina con ombrello

Strengths of our service

No increase in workload

With outsourcing there is no increase in the workload of internal staff


Full responsibility

By outsourcing, total responsibility for the procedures managed is delegated to the external party

No prejudice
The strong specialization of the compliance team on the rules and the absence of internal relationships and prejudices allows us to evaluate solutions not yet considered and avoid the classic internal dynamics consolidated for years

No training is required
The customer is not required to become an expert in the regulations or technological platforms to manage the compliance system. The outsourcing team is constantly trained to best provide the service

Easily scalable
In the event of company growth or an increase in the number of standards to be certified, the external compliance department is already ready with everything needed to manage the new standards

Lower initial cost
Everything you need is included in a monthly fee, including the initial system

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