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What we do

We deal with values, identity and corporate culture.
These are the elements underlying the development of every company.
Incontro in ufficio
Panorama verde


We help organizations spread culture and values both internally and in the context in which they operate.

We do it through paths ofawareness, research and events.

We specialize in "diversity and inclusion" issues.

The main event we organize annually is theAwareSummit.


Panorama verde


To be competitive on the market and to guarantee a prosperous future for collaborators, companies must work in a high quality and sustainable way. Only in this way can they produce value for themselves and for the context in which they operate.

To help companies convey corporate values, we start from the regulatory provisions they decide to adhere to and build a certifiable system together.


In addition to quality certification, we deal with various standards that address the issues of diversity and inclusion, among which, the most heartfelt is certainly thegender equality.


We offer different itinerariescertification and subsequent maintenance.


Furthermore, to relieve companies of the increasingly complex compliance management, we have a servicecompliance outsourcing corporate.





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