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Compliance management in the company

We offer various services ranging from simple management to complete outsourcing of corporate compliance.

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The rules we manage

  • ISO 9001 (quality)

  • ISO 27001 (cyber security)

  • Privacy and GDPR

  • Legislative Decree 81/08 - Consolidated Law on safety

  • ISO 14001 and EMAS

  • Legislative decree n. 231/2007 

  • PDR 125/2022 - Gender certification 

  • SA8000 (Social responsibility)

  • ISO 30415 (Management of diversity & inclusion)

  • Family audit

Our services


We carry out an independent audit to evaluate the compliance, effectiveness and correctness of the rules


We tailor-made your integrated compliance system with the identified regulations


We follow you in all phases of certification


We manage all the activities necessary for the development of the certified system

Alternatively we manage in

co-sourcing your compliance

We use compliance as a tool for business development. We transform what is a burden for many companies into a powerful means of business development.​

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